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Chord Lagu Zombie

D xx0232 or x5777x A x02220 or 57765x Em 022000 G 320003 or 35543x GD x55433 AE x77655 Bm x24432 Intro D A Em G D A Em G Verse 1 D I know it might be crazy A But did yo ZOMBIES - SOMEDAY CHORDS by Misc TelevisionMilo Manheim Meg Donnelly Ultimate-GuitarCom. Chord Kunci Gitar Terkait.

Kpop Guitar Chords Day6 Zombie Chords

Em C G D.

Chord lagu zombie. Guitar chords and guitar tablature made easy. Chord dan Lirik The Cranberries Zombie The Cranberries Zombie is a protest song by Irish alternative rock6 band the Cranberries written in memory of the two young victims who were killed in the 1993 Warrington bombings Johnathan Ball and Tim Parry. Chord The Cranberries.

The Cranberries - All Over Now. Em C G DF Another head hangs lowly child is slowly taken Em C G DF And the violence caused such silence who are we mistaken Em C But you see its not me its not my family. Chord Kunci Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Zombie - The Cranberries Intro.

Em Its the same old theme C since nineteen-sixteen G in your head in your head DF theyre still fighting. C hord U search. Em C Bm D G E A C Gm Chords for Bahagia - Eza Edmond X Zombie - The Cranberries Cover by Xpose with song key BPM capo transposer play along with guitar piano ukulele mandolin.

Nada Dasar Am. Em C and the violence caused such silence G D who are we mistaken. Chord Kunci Gitar The Cranberries Zombie.

Dudududu Em C G DF Em C Another mothers breakin G DF heart is takin over. Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu Zombie - The Cranberries. The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server.

Berikut ini adalah kunci dan lirik lagu zombieIntro. Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. Selamat memainkan lirik lagu dan chord gitar Zombie - The Cranberries.

Chordie is a search engine for finding guitar chords and guitar tabs. Em C G D Em C another head hangs lowly G D child is slowly taken. Em C G D.

G DF zombie zombie zombie. Em C When the violence causes silence G DF we must be mistaken. Em C but you see its not me its not my family.

C G D E F Fm Em B A G C Cm A Chords for Zombie metal cover by Leo Stine Moracchioli with song key BPM capo transposer play along with guitar piano ukulele mandolin. Am F C G Am F C G 3x Am F Another head hangs lowly C G child is slowly taken Am F And the violence caused such silence C G who are we mistaken Am But you see its not me F its not my family C In your head in your head G they are fighting Am With their tanks and their bombs F And their bombs and their guns. Zombie lagu yang diunggah ke kanal YouTube The Cranberries itu sudah ditonton lebih dari 12.

Whats i n y our head in your head zombie zombie zombie. With their tanks and the ir bombs in your head in your head the are crying. Em C G D.

Em C G Fm repeat till the end Important. The Cranberries - Wake Me When Its Over. Em C G DF Em C G DF Em C G DF Em C G DF.

Sam Kim - Love Me Like That. In your headi n your head zombie zom bie zombie. G D in your head in your head they are fighting Em with their tanks and their bombs C a.

Intro Em C G DF ooh. Chordie does not index songs against artistscomposers will. Chord The Cranberries - Zombie.

Intro Em C G DF x4 Verse 1 Em C G DF Another head hangs lowly child is slowly taken Em C G DF And the violence caused such silence who are we mistaken Em C But you see its not me its not my family G DF In your head in your head they are fighting Em C With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns G DF in your head in your head they are crying Chorus 1 Em C G DF In your head in your head zombie zombie zombie. But You See Its Not Me. Verse I Em C Another head hangs lowly G DF child is slowly taken Em C And the violence caused such silence G DF who are we mistaken.

Am F C G A Am nother head ha F ngs lowly Chi C ld is slowly tak G en Am And the violence cau F sed such silence C Who are we mist G aken But you s Am ee its not me Its not m F y family In your he C ad in your head They are figh G ting With their ta Am nks and their bombs And their bo F mbs and their guns. Em C G D.

Chord Lagu Zombie

Chord Lagu Zombie

Kunci Gitar The Cranberries Zombie Chord Dasar Kunci Gitar Lirik Lagu Chordmudah Com

Zombie The Cranberries Piano Cover Lesson With Chords Lyrics Youtube

Zombie The Cranberries Chord And Lyric Play Along Youtube

Zombie Sheet Music The Cranberries Guitar Chords Lyrics Guitar Chords And Lyrics Guitar Chords Guitar Chords For Songs

Zombie Chord Guitar Chord Musical

Not With Me Chord Gitar Mudah


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